Best Food to Improve Immunity

The Best Food to Improve Immunity Naturally

What foods are good to boost your immune system? We all have been asking this question since we got hit by the global pandemic, Coronavirus. The pandemic has taught us how important it is to have a strong and healthy immune system. Stay with us to the end of this article because we will be listing the best food to improve immunity.

A healthy immune system is the basis of healthy living as it protects you from various diseases and infections and helps you fight them off. Now comes the question: How does the immune system fight infection? When any foreign substance, also called Antigen, enters your body, your immune system responds to it by producing antibodies. Antibodies are proteins that attack the antibodies and destroy them. The good part is, your body will store this information, and if the same germ attacks you in the future, your immune system will destroy it in no time.

Now let’s answer the question: What are the best foods to boost your immune system? Having a balanced diet rich in essential minerals and vitamins is very important for a healthy immune system. Below mentioned are the top 12 best food to improve immunity that you must include in your diet.

Best Food to Improve Immunity

1. Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruits are one of the best food to improve immunity

Citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamin C, which makes them strong immunity boosters. Vitamin C aid in the production of white blood cells, which helps in fighting infection.

Also, vitamin C is one of the popular antioxidants, and it protects your body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Our body can not produce this vitamin, so it’s necessary to include vitamin C-rich foods in our diet. Fruits rich in vitamin C are lemons, oranges, limes, grapefruit, and tangerines.

2. Papaya

Papaya is another best food for boosting immunity

Papaya comes loaded with vitamin C, which gives a boost to your immune system. In addition to that, it also aids in the secretion of digestive enzymes resulting in better digestive health.

Also, papaya leaf extracts are very beneficial in improving platelets count in dengue.

3. Kiwi

Best Food to Improve Immunity- Kiwi

Kiwi fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C even its vitamin C content is much higher than a medium orange. Besides, kiwi is also rich in other essential nutrients, which are critical for the healthy functioning of your body.

4. Broccoli

Best Food to Improve Immunity- Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the healthiest and nutritious vegetables and one of the best food to improve immunity.

It is a very good source of vitamin A, C, and E and contains a good amount of essential minerals and other antioxidants.

Its regular consumption gives you have a healthy immune system, prevents oxidative damage, and also helps you fight infection.

5. Spinach

Best Immune Boosting Food- Spinach

Spinach is also one of the healthiest green leafy vegetables. It is a powerhouse of essential nutrients and antioxidants, making it one of the best food to improve immunity.

Spinach is a rich source of potassium, vitamin A, C, and E, flavonoids, and carotenoids.

You can add it to your salad or cook it but try to cook it as little as possible. Overcooking spinach reduces its nutritional content.

Recommended Reading: Spinach/ Palak- Nutritional Value and Benefits

6. Red Bell Pepper

Best Food to Improve Immunity- Red Bell Pepper

You will be surprised to know but, red bell pepper is an excellent source of vitamin C (more than an orange) and beta carotene. Beta carotene gets converted into vitamin A in our body. Vitamin A also supports a healthy immune system and protects your eyes.

The best way to consume it is by roasting or stir-frying, and you can add them to your salad.

7. Almonds

Best Food to Improve Immunity- Almonds

We all love almonds, they are one of the healthiest nuts, and you can eat them every day. Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E, powerful antioxidants that support a healthy immune response.

Besides, almonds also contain a good amount of zinc, minerals that keep your immune system strong and healthy.

You can add them to your shakes, smoothies, snacks, or consume them after soaking in water overnight.


Best Food to Improve Immunity- Ginger

Ginger is among the healthiest spice we all have been using in our kitchen. It is known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties, which makes it one of the best food to improve immunity.

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of ginger protect you from any inflammation or infection. And, also prevents the oxidative damage of cells in your body that can lead to cancer.

You can add ginger spice to your food or, you can also have ginger tea every day for better immunity.

Recommended Reading: Ginger/ Adrak- Spice with Incredible Health Benefits

9. Garlic

Best Food to Improve Immunity- Garlic

Garlic is a herb commonly used in every kitchen around the world. It is also used as a common home remedy to provide relief from cold symptoms. Its daily consumption is known to boost your immune health.

Allicin present in garlic is known to have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, which protect you from bacterial and viral infection.

Recommended Reading: Garlic/ Lahsun- Wonder Food with Surprising Health Benefits

10. Turmeric

Turmeric- A magic spice

Turmeric is a magic spice we all use in our cooking. Curcumin present in turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties, which helps fight off harmful bacteria and viruses.

Its daily consumption helps to improve your immunity. Besides adding it to your food, you can also add it to your milk. Drinking turmeric milk also provides relief from pain and inflammation.

Recommended Reading: Turmeric/ Haldi Health Benefits

11. Tulsi/ Holy Basil

Tulsi- Natural Immunity Booster

Tulsi is a queen of herbs and a natural immunity booster. It is rich in vitamin C, zinc, and other antioxidants, which help fight off infection caused by harmful bacteria and viruses.

Drinking tulsi tea helps in getting relief from cold, cough, and flu symptoms.

Recommended Reading: Holy Basil/ Tulsi- Sacred Plant with Surprising Health Benefits

12. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds- Immunity booster

Sunflower seeds are nutrient-rich seeds, including magnesium, phosphorous, and vitamin B and E.

Vitamin E is critical in maintaining a healthy immune system function and zinc plays a vital role in maintaining and developing immune cells.


Eating a balanced diet boosts your immune system and keeps you healthy and fit. You can include these foods we have mentioned in our list of the best food to improve immunity in your daily diet and give a boost to your immune system.

Some more foods worth mentioning are yogurt, ghee, sweet potato, fish, poultry, green tea, and mushroom. We hope this blog will be helpful for you.

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