Curry Leaves or Kadi Patta spice used to enhance the taste and aroma of food.

9 Amazing Curry Leaves/ Kadi Patta Benefits

Curry leaves are the key ingredient in tempering, enhancing the taste and aroma of food and an essential part of every south Indian kitchen. Curry leaves in Hindi is kadi patta, and its scientific name is Murraya koenigii. You must have heard of its culinary uses but, this post will make you aware of kadi patta benefits.

Curry tree, also known as sweet neem or meetha neem, is native to India and is now cultivated in India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Its leaves, known as curry leaves, are used for both culinary and therapeutic benefits.

Curry patta are shiny, dark green, known to have a strong, aromatic flavour and a pungent taste. Fresh kadi patta is used for tempering and seasoning in Indian cuisines, mainly south Indian cuisines. When used with mustard seeds, kadi patta gives food an authentic south Indian flavour.

This aromatic spice is packed with carbohydrates, protein, fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorous, vitamin A, B, C, E, amino acid, and alkaloids. In addition, it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which help you fight infection and protect your heat.

Murraya koenigii is a natural medicinal plant and is a part of Ayurveda since ancient times for treating several ailments. Kadi patta benefits are immense and worth mentioning. Let’s discuss them in detail.

Curry Leaves/ Kadi Patta Benefits

Kadi Patta Benefits 1: Improve Digestion

Adding kadi patta to food will not only enhance its taste but will also improve your digestion. Curry leaves stimulate digestive enzymes and keep your digestive health on track.

As per Ayurveda, its laxative properties support bowel movement and prevent constipation, diarrhea, and other stomach issues.

Kadi Patta Benefits 2: Lower Cholesterol Level

You will be amazed to know, but curry patta consumption can help you lower your cholesterol level.

Antioxidant properties of curry patta prevent the oxidation of cholesterol that produces bad cholesterol, which increases the amount of good cholesterol and protects you from heart diseases.

Kadi Patta Benefits 3: Prevent Anemia

Anaemia is a deficiency of iron in the body, and curry leaves are rich in iron and folic acid.

Folic acid is responsible for the absorption of iron, which makes consuming kadi patta beneficial for a person suffering from anaemia.

Kadi Patta Benefits 4: Improve Hair Health

Curry leaf is an excellent home remedy for hair issues like hair fall, dandruff, thin hair, and greying of hair. You can either consume it or apply it to your scalp. Both ways, it is beneficial.

Curry leaves contain protein and beta-carotene, which helps in reducing hair fall and improve hair growth.

Additionally, vitamin B present in it helps in preventing the greying of hair. It provides conditioning to your hair and restores the moisture.

Kadi Patta Benefits 5: Good for Vision

Curry leaves help in improving your eyesight. It contains vitamin A, which is important for good vision as it protects the cornea.

Thus chewing a few kadi patta every day will help you with good vision and protect you from eye problems.

Curry Patta Benefits 6: Aid in Weight Loss

Regular Consumption of curry leaves regulates your weight and helps you lose some kilos.

It contains alkaloids, Carbazole that helps in reducing cholesterol, which prevents weight gain.

SO, make sure to add some leaves daily in your food or salads for best results.

Curry Leaves Benefits 7: Fight Infection

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties of curry leaves protect you from infection caused by harmful bacteria and viruses.

Kadi patta paste is an effective remedy for curing bacterial infection, healing wounds and burns.

Curry Leaves Benefits 8: Regulate Diabetes

Kadi patta benefits you in regulating diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels. Curry leaves are rich in fiber, and fiber-rich food is beneficial for diabetes patients. Fiber slows down sugar absorption in the body, thus reducing blood sugar levels.

Studies have shown that these small green leaves also boost insulin activity.

Curry Patta Benefits 9: Anti-Cancer Properties

Kadi patta has also shown anti-cancer properties in studies. For example, Mahanine, an alkaloid present in curry leaves, can kill the prostate cancer cell.

Alongside, its anti-cancer properties are also attributed to its high flavonoid content.


Curry leaves are a widely used spice in the Indian kitchen to enhance the flavor and taste of food. Not just that, kadi patta benefits are immense, from controlling your blood sugar and cholesterol to other health benefits. So this spice is worth adding to your diet.

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