Health Benefits of Clove

Health Benefits of Clove/ Laung: A Versatile Spice

Cloves are the aromatic dried flower buds of the evergreen clove tree, also known as Syzygium aromaticum. Clove in Hindi is called Laung. It is one of the most valuable and versatile spices, which is commonly available in every household. This blog post is about the health benefits of clove/ Benefits of laung. So, make sure to read it to the end.

Clove is native to Moluccas, Indonesia, and nowadays is cultivated and used in different parts of the world as an essential spice. Laung is available in both ground and whole form throughout the year. This spice is known to have one of the most powerful flavors of all spices in the world. Known for its pungent and subtly sweet taste and its taste is credited to eugenol, a chemical present in it.

For centuries clove is used in cooking and is a part of our traditional medicine system. Besides lending flavor to food and drinks, the health benefits of clove are immense and surprising. Which makes it an important ingredient of cosmetics, toothpaste, and soaps. Not to mention, we all have been using it as a home remedy for toothache.

Clove is high in dietary fiber and contains vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K), and minerals (calcium, magnesium, and manganese). Manganese helps to boost brain health and strengthens bones. Also, it is rich in antioxidants, which protect your body from oxidative damage.

Now let’s discuss in detail the benefits of laung.

Health Benefits of Clove/ Benefits of Laung

Is clove good for health? If you are wondering the same thing and looking for an answer, below mentioned are some benefits of eating laung.

Benefits of Laung

Health Benefits of Clove 1: Promotes good health

Eugenol found in clove is a natural antioxidant. It controls the oxidative damage of cells done by free radicals in your body.

Including clove in a regular diet ensures good health of our liver and heart.

It also has anticarcinogenic properties, which help fight certain cancers like lung cancer and breast cancer.

Health Benefits of Clove 2: Relieves Toothache

Clove oil is effective in toothache and sore gums. Clove oil is an effective toothache remedy we have been using for ages. 

Anaesthetic properties of laung prevent or reduce toothache when applied to teeth. 

Along with toothache, it also provides relief from dental pain and sore gums.

Health Benefits of Clove 3: Reduce Headache and Pain

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of eugenol help in reducing headaches and pain. Thus, it provides relief from inflammation and arthritis pain.

You can try consuming clove powder with a glass of milk to get relief from pain.

Health Benefits of Clove 4: Controls Blood Sugar

Cloves help in regulating the blood sugar level therefore is beneficial for people with diabetes.

Laung increase the secretion of insulin and improve its functioning in your body

So, make sure to include it in your diet if you have a high blood sugar problem.

Health Benefits of Clove 5: Boost Immunity

Eating 1-2 cloves daily in the morning improves your immunity. It is high in antioxidants, which help your body in fighting infection and keeps you healthy.

Health Benefits of Clove 6: Improves Digestion

A healthy digestive system is very important for healthy living. Eating laung in the morning helps to treat digestive issues like indigestion, constipation, flatulence, and gastrointestinal irritation.

Laung stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes, which prevent digestive issues. Also, the high fiber content of cloves is good for the digestive system.

Benefits of Laung 7: Adds flavor 

Clove has a strong taste and aroma, which adds flavor and enhances the taste of foods like meat, Biryani, tea, etc.

In the ground form, it is added in garam masala powder, which is one of the most important spices in Indian cuisine.

Clove has also been used to add flavor to beverages.

Benefits of Laung 8- Act as an Ant repellant

Clove can be used as an ant repellant. You can keep two to three cloves in a sugar container to keep it safe from ants.

Possible Side Effects of Clove

1. As clove reduces the blood sugar level in diabetic patients, it may also cause Hypoglycemia. It is a condition, where blood sugar level is lower than the standard level. So, you should not take it in excessive quantity.

2. Clove acts as an anticoagulant, so avoid taking clove if you are on blood-thinning medicine.


Cloves are a sweet and aromatic spice used to add flavor to your food and drinks. Alongside, the health benefits of clove are immense, which is why you should also include it in your food.

We hope this article was helpful for you. You can buy clove online through the link given below:

If you have any queries, please drop us a comment in the comment section.

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