How to Boost Immune Power

How to Boost Immune Power Naturally

How to boost immune power? The year 2020 was a tough one, but it taught us the importance of one thing- A healthy and strong immune system. Your immune system is a complex network consisting of cells, tissues, and organs. It defends you against disease-causing microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria. In this article, we will list various ways to boost your immune system.

Even though your immune system works hard to protect you from diseases and infections, it can sometimes fail, and germs can make you ill. So, what should we do? what are the best ways to boost your immune system? Even though there are so many health supplements available in the market that boost your immunity. But, it is not as easy as it seems to be.

Besides practicing hygiene standards, you can boost your immune system by making few changes in everyday lifestyle habits. For example, a few good dietary and lifestyle changes can strengthen your immune system and help you fight harmful pathogens. Now, let’s discuss in detail how to boost immune power.

How to Boost Immune Power Naturally- 5 Healthy Ways

Eat Healthy Diet

Eat Healthy Diet

A healthy and balanced diet is the best way to boost your immune system naturally, way better than taking supplements. It supplies you with energy and provides you all the micronutrients required to strengthen your immune system. Make sure to include more plant-based food in your diet like fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs. They are best when it comes to improving your immunity.

Your immune power directly depends on your diet, so make sure to eat a healthy, low carb, and protein-rich diet. A protein-rich diet will boost your metabolism and will also strengthen your immune system. Besides, also include natural immunity-boosting supplements in your diet like ginger, garlic, tulsi, and turmeric along with the food rich in micronutrients, including:

  • Vitamin A  found in carrot, spinach, red bell pepper, papaya, and broccoli.
  • Vitamin B6  found in fish, chicken, potatoes, mango, banana, and avocados.
  • Vitamin C  found in citrus fruit, papaya, kiwi, broccoli, spinach, and red bell pepper.
  • Vitamin E – found in spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds, and red bell pepper.
  • Iron – found in green leafy vegetables, spinach, red meat, legumes, and pumpkin seed.
  • Zinc – found in dairy products, red meat, poultry, and nuts.

Recommended Reading: The Best Food to Improve Immunity Naturally

Get Enough and Quality Sleep

Get Enough and Quality Sleep, It will help you to strengthen your immune system

If you are thinking: How to boost immune power with good quality sleep, then let me tell you that a good quality sleep of 7-8 hours is another best way to boost your immune system naturally. The lack of sleep can lead to weak immune responses as your mind and body heal while you sleep. And, if you are not getting enough sleep, you will feel tired, and your immune system’s capabilities to fight infection will be affected.

In scientific terms, quality sleep promotes immune cells, T cells, which help your body fight off infection. So, its important to prioritize your sleep and get quality sleep of 7-8 hours every night.

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is one of the various ways to boost your immune system and ensuring optimum functioning of your body. Drinking lots of water removes toxins from your body. Also, it ensures the proper circulation of blood carrying oxygen to every cell of your body, which will strengthen your immunity.

Dehydration is the loss of water in the body, which occurs when water intake is low than the utilization of water in the body. Dehydration makes you weak and more susceptible to illness or infection. So, make sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily to stay healthy and strong.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise Regularly- It's a great way to boost your immune

Regular exercise benefits you in several ways. For example, it improves your cardiovascular and mental health, manages weight, and strengthens your immune system. Want to know how to boost immune power by doing regular exercise? See exercise increases the blood circulation in your body, which in turn increases the circulation of immune cells, which help your body in killing bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing pathogens.

In addition to that, exercise also reduces inflammation in the body, strengthening your immunity. So make sure to indulge in regular exercise and have a balanced diet to stay healthy and fit.

Stress Less

Stress Less to boost your immune power

Stress is one of our biggest enemies; not only does it affect our mind and body, and affects our immunity power. For example, when you are stressed, your immune system’s ability to fight infection gets reduced. Also, prolonged stress can cause depression and anxiety, which can lead to inflammation.

In a stressed situation, your adrenal gland releases the stress hormone cortisol, which helps your body deal with the situation. But the high level of cortisol can suppress your immune system and make you more prone to infection and illness. So, make sure to relax and stress less, which can give a boost to your immunity.

Few changes in your lifestyle habits can reduce stress, for example, eating healthy, meditation, and cutting down alcohol and caffeine.

How to Boost Immune Power – Conclusion

How to boost immune power? We hope now you know the answer to this question. As we have mentioned making a few dietary and lifestyle changes can help you strengthen your immune system.

We hope our article will help you make these positive changes in your lifestyle.

Please drop us a comment in the comment section if you have any queries.

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