How to improve immune system by yoga

How to Improve Immune System by Yoga- 5 Best Yoga Asana

If you are wondering: Does yoga improve immunity? You have reached the right place as; in this article, we will discuss how to improve immune system by yoga. So make sure to stay with us to the end.

Our immune system is the defense system that defends us against harmful microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. We can strengthen our immune system by incorporating healthy lifestyle habits like a balanced diet, healthy sleeping, stress less, and practicing regular yoga exercises. Yoda can help to improve our immune system naturally.

Yoga is not just an exercise, its is more than an exercise, an ancient practice used for centuries that strengthen you physically and mentally. Besides keeping you fit, it also relaxes your mind, removes toxins and negative energy from your body, and establishes harmony between mind and body, which in turn enhances our immune system.

You can practice yoga at your home even during the lockdown and strengthen your immune system. Regularly practicing yoga asan may help you build immunity. Now let’s discuss how to improve immune system by yoga.

How to Improve Immune System by Yoga- Best Yoga to Improve Immunity

1. Pranayama

Pranayama is one of the best yoga to improve immunity
Image: Pixahive

Pranayama is one of the best yoga to improve immunity and help you gain control over vital positive life energies in your body.

Pranayama focuses on breath control and promotes deep breathing, which reduces stress, high blood pressure, and releases toxins. Additionally, it improves sleep quality which altogether strengthens your immune system.

How to practice

  • Sit in a comfortable crossed leg position.
  • Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose
  • Now exhale slowly through your nose and at the same time constricting the muscles of your throat.
  • Repeat the same process for 10-15 minutes.

2. Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana or bow pose
Image: Pixahive

Dhanurasana, also known as bow pose, is a back-bending asana that stretches the entire body and improves blood flow in the body.

This asana helps to strengthen your immune system as it put pressure on the digestive system and improves the flow of white blood cells. Also, it reduces stress, strengthens abdominal and back muscles, and improves digestion.

How to practice

  • First, lie down on your stomach on a yoga mat.
  • Bend your knees and hold your ankles with your palms.
  • With a steady grip, elevate your legs and arms as high as you can.
  • Look up and hold this position for a while.
  • Now gradually come back to the initial posture.

3. Matsyasana

Matsyasana is another best yoga to improve immunity
Image: Kennguru, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This asana is also known as the destroyer of all diseases. In addition, this asana stretches the chest and neck, which help to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders.

Besides strengthening your immune system, it also boosts your digestive system and improves metabolism.

How to practice

  • First, lie on your back with your feet together and hands comfortably placed beside your body.
  • Now place the palm under the hips with palms facing the ground.
  • Breathe in and lift the head and chest up
  • Now slowly push your head back so that the top of your head touches the floor.
  • Make sure that body weight is on the elbow and not on the head.
  • Now hold this position for as long as you can and keep breathing in and out.
  • Now lift your head up and gently return to the initial posture.

4. Bhujangasana

Bhujangasna or cobra pose
Image: Pixahive


Bhujangasna or cobra pose strengthens your shoulder, chest, spine, and abdomen along with your immune system.

How to practice

  • Start with lying down on your stomach on a yoga mat.
  • Place your palm on the shoulder level.
  • Inhale and slowly lift the upper half of your body and make sure to keep your navel touched to the floor.
  • Exhale and gently come back to the initial position.

5. Balasana

Balasana or child pose to improve immunity

Balasana or child pose is the most fundamental asana or resting posture. Not only does it boost your immunity but also gently stretches different parts of your body. It relieves stress and neck and back pain.

How to practice

  • First, sit on your knees with your buttocks touching on your heels.
  • Place your hand on your thighs.
  • Exhale and slowly lower your torso forward, bring your chest between your chest and stretch your hands to touch the mat.
  • Hold for a minute, inhale, and gently come back to the initial posture.

Conclusion- How to Improve Immune System by Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice that strengthens your mind and body and boosts your immune system. Additionally, you also need to take care of other aspects like your lifestyle, diet, sleeping habits, and stress.

We hope this article will help you understand: how to improve the immune system by yoga.

Please drop us a comment if you have any queries.

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