UF (Ultra- Filtration) Water Purifier- Advantages and Disadvantages

UF Water Purifier makes use of the membrane filtration technology that is capable of separating impurities from water. When water is allowed to pass through the semi-permeable membrane, contaminants like suspended solids and microorganisms get trapped on the membrane’s surface. The pore size of the semi-permeable membrane is small compared to the contaminant’s size, as a result of which it gets stuck on the membrane’s surface.

How does UF (Ultra-Filtration) Water Purifier work?

Like RO water purifier, UF water purifier also uses membrane filtration technology to create a super-fine filter. UF filtration technology uses hydrostatic pressure to force water through a 0.01-micron semi-permeable membrane.

Suspended solids and other impurities that are too large to pass through the membrane get retained on the membrane surface. Water and low molecular weight solute pass through it. These water purifiers can remove Bacteria, Viruses, and other microorganisms from the water but are not efficient in removing dissolved salts from your water.

A semi-permeable membrane is a type of synthetic or biological membrane. It allows some of the solutes to pass through it depending on its pore size and hydrostatic pressure of the water.

UF water purifier typically comes with an activated carbon filter that removes cysts, VOCs and chlorine based contaminants and improves the taste and odor of your drinking water.

Advantages of UF (Ultra-Filtration) Water Purifier

UF Water Purifier- Advantages and Disadvantages

No Electricity required

The best advantage of a UF (Ultra- Filtration) water purifier is it does not require electricity to give you purified water. This water purifier makes use of gravity and water pressure to filter your water.

So if you are residing in an area with frequent power cuts, you don’t have to worry about the power issues to get pure and safe water for you and your family.

Removes impurities

UF water purifiers can purify the muddy water and remove pathogens and turbidity of the water. It is certainly not possible with UV water purifiers. The UV water purifier only kills bacteria, and viruses but their bodies remain in the water only.

Unlike UV water purifiers, UF water purifier not only kill but also removes bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms from your water. So UF water purifiers are significantly more beneficial than UV water purifiers.

Keep Minerals intact

Unlike RO water purifiers, UF water purifiers keeps the essential minerals in the water, giving you pure and healthy water. Essential minerals present in water are vital for a healthy life, and UF water purifiers make sure that you have those minerals in your drinking water.

No Water Wastage

In the current situation, we cannot afford to wastewater. However, water purifiers waste a portion of water to give you purified water, but this is not the case with UF water purifiers. It gives you pure water without wasting a single drop of water.

Easy Installation

UF water purifier is very compact and has few extra components making it very easy to install. However, RO and UV water purifiers come with many additional features that make them difficult to understand and install yourself. You need to call the technician for the process of installation.

So, with a UF water purifier, you do not need to worry about the complicated installation process, and you can start using them right away.


This water purifier is very cost-efficient compared to other water purifiers. They are not as expensive as RO and UV water purifiers. The reason being RO and UV water purifiers come with additional features like mineralizers, pH corrector, computer-controlled and automatic operations, etc.

High Efficiency

UF water purifiers are highly efficient compared to the RO and UV water purifiers. You do not need to worry about machine failure. Also, It does not even require much maintenance, as you can clean it regularly, and it will work for years.

All these advantages make it one of the best water purifiers for your home.

Disadvantages of UF (Ultra-Filtration) water purifier

The only disadvantage of a UF water purifier is it can not remove dissolved impurities and heavy metals present in the water. Only RO water purifier is capable of removing dissolved solids and heavy metals from water.


Through this article, we have learned the UF filtration technology and its advantages and disadvantages. Before planning to buy a UF water purifier, check the TDS level of your water. It should not be very high. Also, water should be free from heavy metals like lead and Arsenic. In case the TDS level of your water is high, then go for RO water purifiers because only RO water purifiers can remove heavy metals from water.

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