UV Water Purifier- Advantages and Disadvantages

UV Water Purifier makes use of UV light to kill the bacteria and viruses present in the water. We will be discussing in detail its functioning and the advantages and disadvantages associated with it.

Water is the base of our life; it is an essential component for survival. The least we know is all our water sources are exposed to harmful contaminants, all thanks to increased human activities causing water pollution. The water we are getting from different sources is full of contaminants like bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chemicals, salts, etc. Drinking water full of these contaminants is very dangerous for you and your family; it can cause many diseases like diarrhea, cholera, and many more.

Some people choose to boil their drinking water to disinfect the water, but it is also not an effective practice, as you need to boil your water for at least 20 minutes to kill the microorganisms. Then too, not all the harmful microbes are killed. The best and effective solution to this problem is Water Purifiers. Water purifiers remove the contaminants from the water and give you safe and pure drinking water.

We have already discussed the UF water purifier in our last article, so let’s take you into detail about UV water purifiers.

What is a UV (Ultra- Violet) Water Purifier?

A UV water purifier is a device designed to disinfect water using UV (Ultra-Violet) rays. UV Rays can kill 99.99% of the harmful microorganism present in the water. Dead bodies of those microorganisms remain in the water but, they are harmless as they can’t reproduce.

UV water purification is the most effective method for killing harmful germs from the water. UV ray kills the disease-causing microorganism by attacking their DNA. This purification technology is highly effective and safe as it disinfects the water without using any chemicals, and it didn’t even change the taste and odor of water.

How does UV (Ultra- Violet) Water Purifier Work?

A UV water purifier consists of a chamber that encloses the entire system. A glass quartz sleeve holds the UV lamp. It allows UV-C light to penetrate the glass and disinfect the water. When water passes through the chamber, germicidal UV light kills the microorganism giving you 99.99% germ-free drinking water. The glass quartz sleeve protects the UV lamp from water. It does not allow the water to come in contact with the power.

Advantages of UV Water Purifier

Advantages of UV water purifier

Chemical Free Purification

UV Water Purifier gives you 99.99% germ-free water without using any chemicals. Some people use a chemical like chlorine to disinfect water, which is not safe as it leaves chemical by-products. This water purifier is highly effective in killing harmful germs.

Maintain Taste and Odor

UV water purifier makes no change in the taste and odor of your drinking water. It is not the case with chemically treated water.

Low Maintenance

It is very cost-effective and requires low maintenance, unlike other water purifiers. You only need to change the UV bulb annually.

 No water Wastage

The best thing about it is there is no wastage of water in the purification process; you get pure water instantly without wasting a single drop of water.

Energy Efficient

This cost-effective water purifier is also very energy efficient. It requires very little power to run.

Easy installation

It is automatic and very easy to install. You don’t have to worry about the measurements and other things.

Disadvantages of UV water Purifier

  • The first drawback of a UV water purifier is it can only kill microorganisms and is not effective in removing other contaminants like heavy metals, dissolves solids, salts, chemicals, etc. Also, it cannot eliminate volatile organic compounds.
  • It kills the microorganisms but can not remove their dead bodies, that remain in the water.
  • It runs on electricity. If you are residing in an area of frequent power cuts, then this water purifier is not suitable for you.
  • One more drawback of this water purifier is it is difficult to figure out if the water purifier is working or not as UV light is invisible to you.


A UV water purifier is ideal for homes where the TDS level of water is below 500 and does not contain harmful heavy metals and dissolved solids. As already mentioned, this water purifier is effective in killing harmful bacteria and viruses. It is inexpensive and easy to install a water purifier with low maintenance and high efficiency.

For areas with high TDS levels, an RO water purifier is the ideal choice. Also, UV water purifier works as an additional filter with Ro water purifier to give you purified and safe water.

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