Air Conditioner Filters

Types of Air Conditioner Filters

Air Conditioner filters are of foremost importance as they provide you clean air and also ensures the effective functioning of your AC. Knowledge of air conditioner filters will be of great help if you have an AC or planning to buy one.

Air pollution is increasing with time, and we can see it very clearly. Even people staying inside their homes are also not safe. As air inside is your home is more polluted than the outside air. Air pollutants can impact the health of your loved ones. It can cause many health issues like allergy, asthma, inflammation of the throat, eyes, and lungs. An air conditioner with air filters not only gives you cool air but its air filters also take care of the air pollutants present inside your home.

Air filters are designed to filter pollutants from the air. They trap the harmful pollutants present in the air and discharge the clean air in the room. Air filters protect you from many air pollutants like dust, pollen, pet dander, mold, bacteria, and viruses.

Cleaning air filters at regular intervals is also important. Otherwise, it can affect your air conditioner’s efficiency. This article will provide you the insight into different types of air conditioner filters and how you can clean them.

Let’s get started with the different types of air conditioner filters.

Types of Air Conditioner Filters

An AC comes with different types of air filters. We’ll explain each type with its benefit and also their working.

1. Electrostatic Filters

Electrostatic Filter

Electrostatic filters work by creating an electrostatic charge that acts as a magnet for dust and air pollutants. The magnetic field created by the electrostatic filter attracts the dust particles, which in turn stay stuck on the surface. The dust particles stay stuck on the surface through static charge until they get washed off. Also, it keeps them from spreading in your room.

The good thing is they are available in both disposable and reusable options. Disposable filters are cost-efficient, easy to install and use. You only need to replace them at a timely interval. On the other hand, reusable filters are a one-time investment. They are easy to wash and are more efficient than disposable filters.

Pros of electrostatic filters are they are pocket-friendly and easy to wash. Washing them at a timely interval is very important for the AC’s effectiveness.

2. Pleated Filters

Pleated Air Conditioner Filters

Pleated filters are manufactured from a unique type of wire synthetic media. These filters can filter out dust, pollen, mold, pet dander, and bacteria. They provide a higher level of filtration than standard filters.

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), these filters are much more efficient than non-pleated filters at capturing airborne particles. The reason being, pleats in these filters provide increased surface area for filtering. These filters are also available in reusable and disposable formats.

The advantages of these filters are they are last longer and require fewer replacements.

3. Nano-Silver Filter

Silver is known for its anti-bacterial property. Nano-Silver filters use this anti-bacterial property of silver. As per Samsung, a nano-silver filter can disinfect 650 types of bacteria.

These filters work by attacking and destroying the cells of the bacteria and their chemical composition.

Nano-silver filters use the lethal combination of hydroxyl radicals and super-oxide ions to kill the bacteria and provide you clean and fresh air.

4. Washable Air Filter

Washable filters are pocket-friendly and environment-friendly filters. The initial price of these filters is high but, they are long-term investments. You can reuse these filters over and over again by just washing them.

These filters need proper maintenance to ensure effective working. You need to follow the maintenance instruction that comes with these filters. Also, you need to make sure that they are properly dry before putting them back in. Moisture left in the filter can lead to mold development that can get expelled out with the air.

The pros of these filters are they are a lifetime investment, and they are washable.

5. HEPA Filters

HEPA Filters

HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter. They can effectively remove 99.97% of airborne particles and allergens. HEPA filters are known to provide the best protection to your home from air pollutants.

These filters get also recommended by doctors for people with allergies or other respiratory problems.

The disadvantage of these filters is they are not effective in removing odor, fumes, and gases.

Air Conditioner Filters Health Benefits

Buying the best air conditioner not only provides you the clean air but will also take care care of your health by providing you clean and safe air. Let’s take a look at these health benefits.

  • The air filters increase the lifespan of your AC. Which in turn saves your money.
  • They provide you clean and fresh air free from major air pollutants.
  • The air filters are easy to clean.
  • These filters protect you from airborne diseases.

Air Conditioner Filters MERV Rating

MERV Rating refers to the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, and this value shows how effectively an air filter can clean the air. These ratings help you to compare the efficiency of different filters.

The MERV ratings range from 1-20. The higher the MERV rating of an air filter, the higher is its efficiency in removing the dust particles from the air. The filters used for residential purposes get rated between 5 to 13, and the air filters used for hospitals and nuclear power plants get rated above 13. The air filters with MERV ratings between 1-4 are not very efficient and are rarely used.

How Often Do Air Conditioner Filters Need to be cleaned?

Air Conditioner Filters Cleaning

Air conditioner filters regular cleaning is very important. It ensures the efficiency of your AC. oftenness of air conditioner filters cleaning depends on the pollution level in your area and on your AC usage.

Areas with high pollution levels require frequent filter cleaning and timely replacement compared to low pollution level areas. Also, as per your usage, you can clean your air conditioner filters.

In addition to that, check with the manufacturer’s recommendation on air conditioner filters cleaning and replacement.


If you are in the conclusion section, you must have an idea of air conditioner filters and their benefits by now. We hope this article will help you buy the best air conditioner for your home with the best air filter.

If you have any queries, please drop us a comment in the comment section.

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1 thought on “Types of Air Conditioner Filters”

  1. The importance of cleaning air conditioner filters on a regular basis cannot be overstated. It ensures your air conditioner’s efficiency. The frequency with which you should clean your air conditioner filters is determined by the degree of pollution in your location and the amount of time you use your air conditioner. Thank you!

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